Archive for January, 2008

Help me trust in the Lord – I’m overwhelmed

January 31, 2008

It’s been great to watch Eric (with me at Thanksgiving above),
one of my supporters and friends,
grow in His relationship with God in the last few years.
My prayer is that each of you would continue to grow closer to Jesus Christ.
There’s no particular connection to the rest of the letter, just a fun picture!


I suppose it’s been a while since I’ve told you what’s going on in my personal spiritual journey. So here’s how you can be praying for me.

I feel overwhelmed thinking about this semester. I think for the first time in quite a while, I’m hitting the limits of my own abilities, so I’m tempted to settle for what I can accomplish in my own strength. But when I think about what it means to lead spiritually, that doesn’t seem right. Somewhere I’ve got to trust God, right?

I’ve been reading a book by Steve McVey called Grace Walk with some of my team this month. Here’s what he says: “You’ve probably heard all your life that God won’t put any burden on you greater than you can bear. Don’t mark me off as a heretic just yet, but I don’t believe it. I believe God will put heavier burdens on you than you can bear, especially when he is trying to bring you to the place of brokenness. God will allow the burden to be greater than you can bear so that you will finally allow Him to bear it for you. God’s purpose in the breaking process is to bring you to the end of your own resources so that you will be ready to understand that He is the only resource you need in life. As long as your own abilities are sufficient to rise to the challenge, you will never understand that He doesn’t just give strength. He is your Strength. In the breaking process, God has no intention of helping you get stronger. He wants you to become so week that He can express Himself as the strength you need in every situation.”

I like trusting in my own strength. I like performing. And that’s a problem. “Faith” is just a fancy Christian word for “Trust.” and so when I trust in my own strength, I’m putting faith in myself and not in God.

I’ve been reading a little in Psalms:

“Cast your burden on the Lord,
and he will sustain you” (Ps 55:22)

My only reply is Psalm 38:22.

Make haste to help me,
O Lord, my salvation!”

I thank you so much for your continued support. I feel your prayers and I need them. God Bless, Brian